Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
"Cause every little thing gonna be all right"
Dear Dad,
First of all, I would like to say what a privilege it is to call you Dad. Thank you for always treating me like your very own. I have always felt a Fathers love from you. It just goes to show that a Fathers love isn’t limited to just those born to you. Thank you for your wonderful example of not only an outstanding human being, but of a wonderful husband and father to all your kids. Everyone who has gotten the chance to see you as the husband and father you are, know how lucky I truly am. That the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Your example will be passed down from generation to generation, just as it was passed on to you. I feel very blessed to have the knowledge that I do. I know that while we won’t see you physically, we will feel you often throughout our lives. Every holiday, especially Christmas, our birthdays, Lake Powell trips, waiting up all night to save our spots at the 24th of July parade, and if BYU ever beats Utah, we know you will be there. We know we will feel you every time we attend the temple, for you loved attending the temple. We know you will be there at graduations, and that we will feel you at Maddie, Parker, and Dakotas’ weddings. And I know with all of my heart, that every time one of your grandchildren is sent to our family, that they will be sent down with all of your love and sweet kisses. It will be at these moments in our life that we know our Dad is closer to us than ever before. I’m thankful for all the sweet memories I have. The sweetest being the night before your accident. Kristopher and I were dropping Maddie off at your house. Even though it was getting late you asked us to come in and visit for a little bit. You hadn’t really gotten to see Colin walk yet, so after visiting for a while, you and Kristopher got on the floor and Colin would walk back and forth between you two. The expression on your face was priceless, and only got better every time he walked back to you. In my opinion your expression was pure Joy. One that you would expect from seeing him walk across the stage to get his high school diploma, returning from an honorable mission, or kneeling at the alter with his sweetheart being sealed for time and all eternity. I feel so lucky to have witnessed that joy. Because it will be during those times in Colin’s life, where that sweet memory will come back to me, and I will know without a shadow of a doubt that you will be next to us with that same amount of joy. My heart is touched every time I think of you in Heaven, playing with each and everyone of your Grandbabies. Telling them all about the adventures they are about to have. Each one of them will get to know and love their Grandpa Dave there, far more than we can imagine. Thank you for this wonderful family I get to be apart of. That our family will be together forever. I love you so much and know that I will forever be a better person, because of your love and example. It will feel like a lifetime for us until our family is reunited all together again, but for you it will only be a glimpse. So with that knowledge I will not say goodbye today, but with peace in my heart, I will say see you soon, Dad.
I love you,
At my father-in-laws funeral, we were each asked to write a letter to Dad. Kristopher read them all in a sweet tribute to our Dad. Dave's funeral was such a beautiful tribute to what a truly remarkable man he was. He gave a 100% percent in all that he did. I know personally that he did in his role as father-in-law. He really treated me as one of his own. He did one of the greatest things someone could ever do for me, and that was love my son as much as he did. One thing I knew before I was even pregnant was how great of a grandpa he would be, but I couldn't even dream up a more perfect Grandpa. I told him many times that I thought that was his life's calling. Like I said in the letter I wrote to him, I know he is loving on every one of his grandbabies in Heaven. Someone teased us saying it will probably be a long time before another one gets sent to us because he is going to keep them to himself for awhile. That's perfectly ok with me because I can't think of a better place for them to be, then in the arms of my wonderful father-in-law. This has been such a difficult time for us. Kristopher and I were just talking on our way home tonight how lucky we are that we have gotten so many wonderful memories this last year. That if we were told a year ago that we only would have one more year with him, nothing would have changed. We spent as much time with my in laws as we possibly could. Most of our Friday nights were spent on a double date with Michelle and Dave. We have gotten to go on many out of the normal trips with him this year. Even on Halloween we had planned to go to our own ward for trunk or treating, which was the same night as my in law's. We figured we needed to participate in our own ward. Last minute we ended up wanting to go with them and surprised them. Tonight we talked about all the times we were suppose to do other things but always had such a strong desire to be with Kristopher's family. We have so many sweet memories that otherwise we wouldn't have. I am so blessed with an amazing Mother-in-law. She has been the rock in our family. I gain strength from her daily. When I was a little girl I used to pray all the time for younger siblings. Being the youngest in my family, I obviously didn't get my prayers answered, until I married into the Brown family. I have two incredible younger brothers and the greatest little sister anyone could ask for. The biggest blessing in my life is my sweet husband. My heart aches so much for him. He not only lost his Dad, but one of his very best friends. He is such a support for me, as well as for his mom and siblings. Kristopher is the greatest husband and father, and I know that's because of the wonderful example of both he has had in his life. I really am blessed. Sometimes it's hard to feel that way, because of how bad it hurts right now. But I am truly thankful for all my many blessings.
First of all, I would like to say what a privilege it is to call you Dad. Thank you for always treating me like your very own. I have always felt a Fathers love from you. It just goes to show that a Fathers love isn’t limited to just those born to you. Thank you for your wonderful example of not only an outstanding human being, but of a wonderful husband and father to all your kids. Everyone who has gotten the chance to see you as the husband and father you are, know how lucky I truly am. That the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Your example will be passed down from generation to generation, just as it was passed on to you. I feel very blessed to have the knowledge that I do. I know that while we won’t see you physically, we will feel you often throughout our lives. Every holiday, especially Christmas, our birthdays, Lake Powell trips, waiting up all night to save our spots at the 24th of July parade, and if BYU ever beats Utah, we know you will be there. We know we will feel you every time we attend the temple, for you loved attending the temple. We know you will be there at graduations, and that we will feel you at Maddie, Parker, and Dakotas’ weddings. And I know with all of my heart, that every time one of your grandchildren is sent to our family, that they will be sent down with all of your love and sweet kisses. It will be at these moments in our life that we know our Dad is closer to us than ever before. I’m thankful for all the sweet memories I have. The sweetest being the night before your accident. Kristopher and I were dropping Maddie off at your house. Even though it was getting late you asked us to come in and visit for a little bit. You hadn’t really gotten to see Colin walk yet, so after visiting for a while, you and Kristopher got on the floor and Colin would walk back and forth between you two. The expression on your face was priceless, and only got better every time he walked back to you. In my opinion your expression was pure Joy. One that you would expect from seeing him walk across the stage to get his high school diploma, returning from an honorable mission, or kneeling at the alter with his sweetheart being sealed for time and all eternity. I feel so lucky to have witnessed that joy. Because it will be during those times in Colin’s life, where that sweet memory will come back to me, and I will know without a shadow of a doubt that you will be next to us with that same amount of joy. My heart is touched every time I think of you in Heaven, playing with each and everyone of your Grandbabies. Telling them all about the adventures they are about to have. Each one of them will get to know and love their Grandpa Dave there, far more than we can imagine. Thank you for this wonderful family I get to be apart of. That our family will be together forever. I love you so much and know that I will forever be a better person, because of your love and example. It will feel like a lifetime for us until our family is reunited all together again, but for you it will only be a glimpse. So with that knowledge I will not say goodbye today, but with peace in my heart, I will say see you soon, Dad.
I love you,
At my father-in-laws funeral, we were each asked to write a letter to Dad. Kristopher read them all in a sweet tribute to our Dad. Dave's funeral was such a beautiful tribute to what a truly remarkable man he was. He gave a 100% percent in all that he did. I know personally that he did in his role as father-in-law. He really treated me as one of his own. He did one of the greatest things someone could ever do for me, and that was love my son as much as he did. One thing I knew before I was even pregnant was how great of a grandpa he would be, but I couldn't even dream up a more perfect Grandpa. I told him many times that I thought that was his life's calling. Like I said in the letter I wrote to him, I know he is loving on every one of his grandbabies in Heaven. Someone teased us saying it will probably be a long time before another one gets sent to us because he is going to keep them to himself for awhile. That's perfectly ok with me because I can't think of a better place for them to be, then in the arms of my wonderful father-in-law. This has been such a difficult time for us. Kristopher and I were just talking on our way home tonight how lucky we are that we have gotten so many wonderful memories this last year. That if we were told a year ago that we only would have one more year with him, nothing would have changed. We spent as much time with my in laws as we possibly could. Most of our Friday nights were spent on a double date with Michelle and Dave. We have gotten to go on many out of the normal trips with him this year. Even on Halloween we had planned to go to our own ward for trunk or treating, which was the same night as my in law's. We figured we needed to participate in our own ward. Last minute we ended up wanting to go with them and surprised them. Tonight we talked about all the times we were suppose to do other things but always had such a strong desire to be with Kristopher's family. We have so many sweet memories that otherwise we wouldn't have. I am so blessed with an amazing Mother-in-law. She has been the rock in our family. I gain strength from her daily. When I was a little girl I used to pray all the time for younger siblings. Being the youngest in my family, I obviously didn't get my prayers answered, until I married into the Brown family. I have two incredible younger brothers and the greatest little sister anyone could ask for. The biggest blessing in my life is my sweet husband. My heart aches so much for him. He not only lost his Dad, but one of his very best friends. He is such a support for me, as well as for his mom and siblings. Kristopher is the greatest husband and father, and I know that's because of the wonderful example of both he has had in his life. I really am blessed. Sometimes it's hard to feel that way, because of how bad it hurts right now. But I am truly thankful for all my many blessings.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy Halloween
We had a fun halloween this year. We went Trunk or Treating the Friday night before. Colin was a cute little frog, and we went as sumo wrestlers. It was so fun seeing Colin choose his candy and put it in his bag. He was very selective with his candy. He would pick out suckers, nerds (he loves to shake them), and anything yellow (he says "duck" when he sees yellow things). If someone didn't have any of those items he would turn his head away. So pretty much was a total candy snob. He didn't get that from me, cause I do not discriminate on any candy. Well maybe black licorice.
On Saturday night, we went to our Grandma/Grandpa Schow's house. They have a long time tradition of having everyone over for lasagna before trick or treating. It's so fun to get together with our cousins on that side. There are so many mine and Kristopher's age. Plus everyone is having babies right and left, so Colin is well entertained. Last year 3 babies joined the family, and this year there were 3 more. So far there is one more being added next year. I love that Colin will have lots of kids to play with when we all get together. Since the weather was so bad we only went trick or treating to a few houses. It's just so much fun seeing how he reacts to it all. It will be even more fun next year when he's walking and talking more. So here are some pictures from both nights.

On Saturday night, we went to our Grandma/Grandpa Schow's house. They have a long time tradition of having everyone over for lasagna before trick or treating. It's so fun to get together with our cousins on that side. There are so many mine and Kristopher's age. Plus everyone is having babies right and left, so Colin is well entertained. Last year 3 babies joined the family, and this year there were 3 more. So far there is one more being added next year. I love that Colin will have lots of kids to play with when we all get together. Since the weather was so bad we only went trick or treating to a few houses. It's just so much fun seeing how he reacts to it all. It will be even more fun next year when he's walking and talking more. So here are some pictures from both nights.

Monday, October 25, 2010
Black and Blue
So you know when you hear a certain song and it really speaks to you? Like it's what you've been needing to hear? I heard this beautiful song a couple of days ago that did just that. I have a lot on my mind lately. Not only about personal trials that I've been through in my life and will go through, but those of loved ones, and others I know that are going through a hard time right now. This song really resonated well with me. The lyrics are beautifully written. You should check it out. It just might give you a little pick me up as well. Sorry this was the best video I could find. Black and Blue by Zach Chance.
Monday, October 18, 2010
This last year we have had many wonderful and fun times. We have also had our fair share of trials. It is at these times that our relationship is able to really grow and mature. I love having him by my side for all of it. I couldn't ask for a better person for me to go through life with. I'm one lucky lady!

Us at the Melting Pot
Friday, October 1, 2010
Little Man turns ONE
What mixed emotions you get when your little baby turns one. Is this a first time mom thing, or does it happen with every kid? I love that he is getting so big, and learning new things everyday. However, there is this part of my heart that aches for that brand new little bundle that would sleep on my chest for hours. It was a bittersweet day for me. We had a little party for him. My sister, Katie, flew out and helped me with it (THANKS Kiki!). It was a great day! We went to Gardner's Village after lunch and walked around. I was able to get a few cute pictures. At night is when we had his party. I'm so thankful for my family. That so many of them took time out of there busy day to help us celebrate. For me it was one of those days I will never forget!
Here is what Mr. C is up to at 12 months:
*Will kiss and/or blow kisses to anything and anyone. This boy loves to share the love.
*Is saying a few words. MaMa, DaDa, Ball, Book, Dog, Car and Dirt (I know very random).
*When asked where his stinky feet are, he will hold his foot up for you to smell it. Then if you say Ooooo that's so stinky, he will give you a big laugh. I know, another random thing, but hey, he loves it!
*Loves to dance.
*Makes this funny face when you ask him to "make your face".
*Walking only when holding on to things.
*Climbing up stairs
*Holds up one finger when asked "Are you One?".
*Eating more table food. He has big issues when it comes to textures, so this had been one of our struggling areas.
*Gives the BEST hugs! He lays his head on my shoulder with his arms around my neck. Pretty sure that's his way of wrapping me around that little chubby finger of his, but I love it!
*HATES to be held down. This really is only an issue at the doctors.
*His height is 27 1/2 inches, Weight 17 lbs 5 ozs, HC 48 cm

Yes, he wore that hat the whole time

Yesterday Colin had his first (and hopefully his last) surgery. He had to have a GAP procedure on his "little friend". It's called Hypospadias. He had a mild condition, but still needed to have it fixed. The doctor had to end up cutting more skin then he thought, so it required more stitches then we expected. He will also have a catheter in place for a few days. I have a HUGE respect for mothers who have to watch their children go through more serious procedures. I felt helpless as it was and stressed for weeks over this. I was a mess! He, however, handled it like a champ. The doctor told us to expect a couple of really long nights of him waking up in pain. He was given lortab to help with it. He slept most of the afternoon and we put him down for the night at 9:15. I woke up several times during the night expecting him to be up crying, but I never heard him. He didn't wake up until 8:45 this morning and was such a happy guy. He's a brave little boy and has made this a lot less stressful then I was anticipating.

Monday, August 2, 2010
Summertime and the livin's easy
Wow I can't believe it's already August. Where does all the time go? We have had a fabulous summer so far. Here are a few of the highlights.
May: Trip to Arizona
June: We spent a week in Lake Powell with Kristopher's family. We had so much fun!
On the last day I woke up with horrible pains. I ended up staying a few days in the hospital and having my gallbladder removed. This cute little picture was taken while I was gone having some test taken.

4th of July was spent in Bear Lake. My father in law got a beautiful cabin for the weekend. We spent a lot of time relaxing, playing games and eating way too much food.
July 24th: This was my official first July 24th in Utah. We started the day with the big parade. Colin really enjoyed it, but got scared when the motor cops would make their sirens loud. We then had a family BBQ which was a lot of fun. And we finished the night with fireworks. It was a great day spent with our family!
Somewhere in all of this, Colin had his 9 month checkup.
Height: 27 1/2 inches (25%, Yay for a growth spurt!)
Weight: 16 LBS 13 Oz. (Less than 5%)
What Colin is up to these days:
Standing on everything
Crawling up the stairs
Yells "MA MA" to get my attention.
Eats his purees still, but I'm feeding him more and more table food
FINALLY got his first tooth. He is no longer our little toothless wonder.
He makes this funny face where he squints his eyes and has this goofy grin.
Still gives lots of kisses
Claps anytime you say to clap, sing patty cake, or say YAY
Loves to give high fives, bonk his head against yours, and waves bye bye with both hands. He hasn't realized yet that one hand is all it takes.
He is so much fun right now. We are loving his little personality and love watching him learn new things. We are getting to go to Mesquite for Kristopher's grandparents 50th wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. Then the end of August we will be in Orlando for a couple of weeks seeing my parents. I am going to be so sad when summer comes to an end! And here's his 10 month shot since that's where he's at now.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Arizona Trip
We had such a blast in Mesa! We were able to go out for our dear friends wedding. The Deckers have been lifelong family friends. Our moms became best friends in their teens and now I think, they think, of themselves as sisters. It's always so fun to be with the Decker family. Many have added spouses and kids now, so it's becoming quite the party when we get together. I ate so much while I was there. The food in Mesa is AWESOME! Colin had is first experience in a pool, which he loved! It's fun to get to be with my parents and sister. We don't get to see them often enough and Colin just adores them! Thanks everyone for a fun fun time. We missed you Rachel!!! Congratulations on your precious little boy! I can't wait to meet him. I hope our sons became as good of friends as we are!
Congrats Ben and Katie!
At the Mesa Temple
Colin loves the pool
At the Hoover Dam
Monday, April 19, 2010
6 Months
The Stats: 6 1/2 Months
Height: 25 and 1/8th inches (10th percentile)
Weight: 14 Lbs 8 oz (5th percentile)
HC: 45.4 Cm (75th percentile)
Mr. C is changing and growing faster and faster these days. One day I'm surprised and shocked by a new little trick and the next day it's something completely different. Slow down son! So these days he's..
* Sitting up all by himself (for the most part). He's more interested in scooting and rolling all over that he rarely will just sit.
* Scooting and Rolling EVERYWHERE. I was hoping to hold off the baby proofing a bit longer, but this boy can get anywhere he is wanting to.
* Got his first hair cut.
* Spitting up MIGHT be getting better. Every time I start to think it might be gone, he goes through a period of time that it is so bad. Hence the might.
* Has quite the giggle box.
* "Talks" nonstop. He is rarely awake and just quiet. In fact he talks in his sleep. We will be driving and I will hear him just babbling away. I think he is wide awake, but then look back at him and he is (not so) sound asleep. He almost has Da da da da down. Or some form of that..
* Loves the Ladies. The older, the better. Whenever we are in public he always gets swarmed by old ladies, and he will just put on the biggest show for them.
* Still chewing on that index finger.
* Started to like his pacifier. I'm hoping it's just since he's teething, but it does keep that finger out of his mouth. Which keeps from gagging himself.
* Tried peas, carrots, oatmeal, green beans, avocado, bananas, apples, pears, and sweet potatoes. He is a really good eater and likes just about everything I've given him. He is weirdly obsessed with green beans.
* So good at cuddling. He loves a good cuddle, and has no problem finding someone to cuddle him.
*Loves books.
Fun with Friends

Loves to cuddle Grandpa
Every month I say "this is my favorite month". I have loved the 6 month! I love seeing his little personality start to form. Kristopher and I are loving every minute of being his parents.
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