Monday, September 26, 2011

Somebody's Two

My sweet little Colin turned two years old.  I can't believe how fast time has gone.  I feel so blessed to be his mom.  It has been so much fun to see him grow and learn the last two years.  His little personality is really starting to shine.  I hate that I haven't been good about documenting this last year better.  I feel like I'm already starting to forget some of the funny things his says/does.  So here is a update on the going-ons of Mr. C.

Colin's 2 year old stats:

Height: 33 3/4 inches, 40%
Weight: 22 lbs, 0%
Head: 50.7 cm, 90%

At 2 years:

Colin is a very picky eater.  He loves almost all fruits, dairy and carbs, just like his mom.  Likes very little veggies and close to no meats.

Runs EVERYWHERE.  Colin does not understand the point of walking.  I would pay good money to bottle his energy for myself.

Has been in his big boy bed for 3 months now, and transitioned beautifully.  We thought we were in for a long night the first night, but he didn't make a peep until he was ready for us to come get him in the morning.  I think it's funny that after 3 months, he still stays in bed till we come and get him.  Even though during the day he climbs in and out of his bed to play.

Loves all letters and numbers.  He loves to point out what letters and numbers he sees.  When he is coloring he "writes" the names of everyone he knows and all his letters.  Of course it's a beautiful mess of scribbles, but he knows what it says.

Loves colors.  He knows all of the basic colors, with yellow being his favorite.

Characters he's into now:  Elmo (Melmo), Cookie Monster (Cookie-Tor), Mickey and Minnie, Cars, Toy Story.

Toys he's into now:  Loves animals, all of them.  Toy cars, blocks, anything sport related.  Really loves reading books and coloring.

Things that make us laugh:

He is very dramatic in his animal sounds.

Loves to watch ball games.  Any type of ball game.  Football games, basketball games, golf games, soccer games.  You name it he will watch it.  Which of course makes his dad very proud.  He will specifically request the type of game.  For example "pootball game" "baket-ball game" "gol-f game".  Oddly enough I think golf might be his favorite.

He loves the number 2.  So naturally he likes to point out everything in twos.  He calls both his Aunt Maddie and Grammy Michelle "mommy".  In public places he like to point out that he has TWO mommies.  We get some of the most interesting looks.

When something falls, or bumps into him, or anything of that nature he says "oh jeez".  Except he can't stop at that.  He then will start his whole list of expressions.  "Oh jeez", "Oh man", "Oh boy", "Oh gosh", "Oh no".  He can't just say one, so he says them all.

Everything is please "pyeees".  If he wants something it's a Please MaMa, followed by grabbing my hand to show me what he wants.  He has learned all too quickly that this is how he gets what he wants, by whoever is in sight.  It makes it really hard to say no when he asks so nicely.

He his great at giving hugs for no reason.  He will just randomly come up to me or another family member and just give them a big hug.  A couple of days ago I was cooking and he ran up and wrapped his arms around my legs.  Then looked up at me and said "Pyees" mama, with his arms reaching up for me.  I picked him up thinking he wanted something from the counter but he just laid his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck.  We just stood like that for what seemed to be an hour.  This will be a memory I hope to never forget.

I'm going to try and be better about writing some of the things he does down, so that I won't ever forget them.  Then I won't have to sit here forever trying to remember all the current ones.

Colin is such a blessing to our family.  I know 100% that he was placed in our family, at the time he was, for a specific purpose.  Everyday he makes us smile and loves on us.  Little did we know when we had him that we were going to need that on a daily basis.  We are so lucky that he his a part of our family forever. We love you little buddy!

We had a little birthday party for him in our backyard on his birthday.  We did Elmo, since that's what he is currently obsessed with.  It was such a lovely night, and I could tell he had so much fun.  Everyone spoiled him rotten with such fun presents.  Here are some pictures from the night.  Like always, way too many.

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